
I watched a programme on Discovery Channel last night about a tribe in Inner Mongolia called Darhad.They are the last nomadic tribe there as 'modernisation' has made their way of living cease to be a lifestyle choice.(?)

Anyway, I was waxing lyrical about how their life is not defined by the economic models that most of us live by today to my husband when it occured to me just how much capitalism has affected our way of life.

Whatever you do, you can't run away from rising oil prices, fluctuations in exchange rates and inflation just for starters.We go to university taking courses to become the wheels of our economy.We work from day to night to see most of the income we earn go into paying for mortgages, car loans, food from around the world cause we don't produce our own, heck we don't even know some of the things that go into our food anymore....

Anyway, what touched me most was; towards the end of the show, the host asked one of the members of the family he has been staying with 'What gives you happiness?'.He replied,'It is very simple, it is the work that I do and the peace in my mind.'


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