Searching for Montessori Muslim Homeschoolers

I was surfing the net to find an MMH (Muslim Montessori Homeschooler). ....Unfortunately, my search wasn't very successful. There are times when I feel like a lone buoy in the middle of the ocean. Maybe there are many out there, they just don't blog or have a website coz the method does take up a lot of time.

However, when I set out on my journey, I have always psyched myself up that this is not about having people around me. I am doing this for my own beliefs and even when I'm a lonely island I shall stand firm, unless i'm in one of those ring of fire moments.....: )

Oh well, what are the odds? I homeschool in Singapore, I'm a Muslim and I practice Montessori.... As it is, I'm only one-half of the Muslim Homeschoolers in Singapore......So any Muslim Montessori Homeschoolers out there where ever you are do contact me....


---- said…
Assalamualaikum, although I am not a homeschooling mother since my child is only 6 months old. I am really interested to homeschool him, insyaallah ... alhamdullilah , i stumbled on ur blog. Was just telling my husband that I can't find any homeschooling Muslim mother in singapore. By Allah's permission, I read your blog, Allahu Akhbar :)
Jamaican Mama said…
Assalamu alaikum sister...
I have also been searching for Muslim Montessori Homeschoolers...and you are the first that I've found mashaAllah. I've been a homeschooling mom for 5 years now, but have just started using Montessori methods...and I love it! My kids are 9, 7, 3, and 1. I'll be checking out your blog to try and get some ideas :-) Would love to stay in contact!
Umm Sahla
N said…
I'm a muslim Montessori Teacher, i was homeschooling but I now work in a school. Your blog is GREAT. Its nice to see other muslims using the montessori method.
UmmIhsan said…
Wa alaikum salaam sisters. I was truly excited reading your responses even when later I realised you guys are half the world away; no problem would love to be in touch. Alhamdulillah, we're not alone; Allah has brought us together...I should stop rambling and do more curriculum stuff on the blog; then we can share.Do check out my theory blog ( Nothing high brow, just some of my assignments and book reviews.I am now more motivated to blog.
Unknown said…
Assalamu alaikum , I did the same thing and I am even thinking about starting a blog -- with pictures of my classroom and everything-- Because I have spent long nights searching for muslim montessori just to return almost nothing.
UmmIhsan said…
Assalaamualaikum Sister Alia,

I look forward to sharing with you.
Umm Imaan said…
Assalaamu alaikum sister :)

I just googled Muslim Montessori homeschooler and got your blog mashaAllah :)

I love a lot of the Montessori method and wanted to see how homeschooling ummi's have implemented it insha Allah.

Will keep reading now :)

May Allah grant you success in your affairs :)
Unknown said…

I'm a mother of a one year old child, and will be following your efforts closely for inspiration.

Unknown said…

I am the mother of a one year old child and will be following your efforts for inspiration.

Thank you & best of luck.
Umm Umamah said…
Assalamo alaikum,

Dear Sister I do try and incorporate a Montessori approach in my homeschooling. Please visit my blog:

There are quite a few Muslim Montessori Homeschoolers doing so much more than me because they are trained:


Hope you like these blogs and find more through them Inshallah
Nevyn said…
Assalamualeykum, I have been searching what other Montessori homeschooling and "daycares" are doing and getting ideas! Today inshaAllah I want to start the pitcher and bowl for washing hands. I was thinking it is a Sunnah to wash hands with water before and after eating but our bathroom isn't obvious for this so here is my plan: get something like this either online or at a used store: and have the kids wash their hands with one child pouring the water while the other one washes! I think it will also build sibling unity. Oh yes and I plan on putting a nice towel under the bowl/pitcher set-up!

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