What is darkness?

We observed Earth hour today. Didn't really plan what to do. We sort of just didn't turn on the lights after getting home from our swimming session at CDANS. Ok, we cheated a bit when the kids had to go to the washroom for the lack of candles.How dark does it get in Singapore anyway with the streetlights and the lights from the neighbours?

Anyway, at the end of Isya' jemaah, Ihsan turned to my husband and asked, " What is darkness?I mean, I can't touch it. Is it the blurry dots I see when the lights are off?" My husband replied, " It is the absence of light..." We went on to explain that when we see, we are actually seeing the reflection of light off the objects around us.

Ihsan then went on to ask how fast light travelled and we cheated, again, and surfed on my husband's I-touch...Well, something came out of it after all. We also shared on how dark it is in the countryside and my personal experience in Brunei and how people in the past and in some communities today go to bed early and rise to the sun....this has been a beautiful experience.Maybe next time we can have earth hour in Brunei, by the river at my sis' house, under the moonlight with a campfire....


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