
I've started to wind down on the job side, with the worksheet writing work ending after I'm done editing the holiday program. Though the editing seems to be taking forever, at least the worksheets don't need to be urgently produced. With that, and the ramadhan and raya season over I managed to return to planning for homeschool.

My new resolutions are:
1. To consciously teach Malay grammar and writing
2. To review lessons every month
3. To have a review test every 3 months
4. To conduct science experiments and practical life once a week.

Last week, we learned the dua after wudu' as an extension to our review on wudu'. For both lessons I used the Learning Roots cards 'What comes next?' and 'What to say when...'. I did my first Montessori presentation after a long while with Umayr and Sofiyya on 'Division with recording with the golden beads' and 'The Big Picture' (place value to 9000 with golden beads) respectively.

I managed to come up with Malay worksheets for the children on 'Kata Ganti Diri Pertama', ' Adjektif' and 'Warna'. I taught the verse 'Bangun Pagi' for Sofiyya's theme and Umayr stuck labels of things around the house for Malay Vocabulary. The words on the labels were also used for his 'Ejaan'. I had a hilarious tIme marking Ihsan's karangan, something he had not done in a while.

We are learning Flight & Movement and made spinners from the template in the book 'More Mudpies to Magnets'. Umayr knee what it was before I started explaining. Boys and flying objects have a natural bond, I guess.


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