Homeschool Work Organisation
I used to individually prepare the stack of school work that we are going to do for the day for each child at our dining/ school table. The children will then hand up to me their work (or not) when they were done. It could get pretty messy with three kids at/ approaching examination ages and the increasing amount of paperwork being done. Sometimes I have to go around asking for a particular work and many times I lose track of work that should have been done for the day.
This year I got myself a humble 4-tier plastic drawer.
This year I got myself a humble 4-tier plastic drawer.
Every school night (or before class), I will now place each child's work for the next day in their individual drawers. I will also place the texts (weight permitting) the children will use. In this way I don't have to ask the children to go get the books they need to refer to and I don't have to rush giving out their books after breakfast. The top drawer is where the children hand up their work.
This simple solution has made my life (and maybe the children who determine the amount of effort they have to put in for the day from their stack) so much easier. I also get the marking done faster in an effort to clear the hand-up drawer for the next day.
I foresee that we might need a larger cabinet as Ihsan's workload get heavier and Sarah joins in the fray, but for now this will do.