Living and Homeschooling

Aisyah, our youngest, is now already six months old. She has become more clingy and adventurous at the same time that it has become more challenging to carry out lessons with my older children. This has also affected my housekeeping and cooking roles. As such, I have turned to teaching when I could, shifting from household duties and homeschooling where convenient.

I like the children to read their Quran and do their hafazan first, so where possible, this is done after Subh, if not we have it as the first order of the day. I would then clean up the house and cook our meal for the day and by 10 am would settle down with one of the children to go through the work from the previous day and teach them their lessons.

They would take turns to sit down with me, so at any one time one other child is free and another is doing his or her work. Sarah gets her turn when I'm done with the older children. I have to constantly remind myself not to forget my work with her, she's almost four already. Ihsan has classes on some days and this frees me up to teach the other children earlier, although this also means we end the day later.

It helps when the children have homework from their other teachers, so I can ask them to do those first and attend to the free child. The older children are also free to go downstairs to play in between lessons. A little exercise goes a long way to help a child calm down and focus, especially the active ones.

Overall, this has worked better with me than the previous practice of sitting down at a certain time and finishing within a few hours. It's hard to tell what mood Aisyah can be in and it can be distractive. I have also managed to better manage the house (ok, it still needs a lot of work) and I cook more now (better for the pocket and our health).

Hope your homeschooling days are progressing well too and do share how you manage multiple homeschooling with baby in the house.


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