Is it the end of April already?

To start off class today, we revisited the Asma Ul Husna; reciting the 99 names and exploring the meaning of Ar-Rahman. We referred to and recited the names from We also did the worksheet from Yes we are a wee bit late, but I foresee us doing this through Ramadan

For group lesson, we listened to the story of Uzair again and we included the lessons we learned from our Crash Course youtube video on the skeletal system. Although I do feel that was more suitable for older or more advanced students. I focused on the donkey from the story today and we explored the parts of a mammals and their functions.

As I already had a three-part card on horses, I used that instead and linked it to donkeys by exploring how the two are similar or alike. For art, and science, I asked the kids to draw a horse. I drew one on the blackboard first as an example and labelled it. For our language art component, we learned the male and female names of different animals, kicking off with horses and donkeys.

As all this was happening, as always, the house was in a total mess. Sometimes, we have to go on with some parts of our lives no matter how the rest is falling apart. The ice-cream in the store-bought bun I had for lunch below is by the way homemade with love by my eldest, Ihsan. Ahh....there is comfort at the end of the tunnel.


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