Youth Class Homeschooling Sharing 2019 or What I would have told my 14 year-old Self
Part I
1. Introduction and getting to know-10min
2. How I came to homeschooling-20min
i. Never a planner
I didn't plan them all and just dived in.
3. Life happens and you need to plan ahead
5-7 years into my marriage I was thinking of how I could have better managed how I chose my path in life especially in these areas:
As in the courses I chose that would have more likely allowed me for example to work from home and be with my children such as in accountancy or web programming.
I would have been more diligent with the Sciences in general because school is where you have the best chance to learn them well, because unlike literature or art, they are more challenging to pick up later.
Mostly, this knowledge would also be a critical guide to living life, knowing how great is the creation of life that Allah has made for us.
Life Skills
How I should have learned how to cook/sew/ do the laundry and housekeeping even etc. If I had already learned this growing up, I would have avoided the growing pains of learning it while being a new wife and mum when it is more stressful.
These skills would have also helped our family finances greatly because the cost of living here is very high.
Understanding how my body worked as a woman and how it changes after marriage and during pregnancy and birth. This would have made me more aware of how I can better care for myself and in turn be better to those around me.
Awareness of Child Development
Knowledge of what to expect with children and how I can help them to bloom into their potential to be a better mother.
Communicating with Your husband and his family
To be suddenly thrown into close quarters with people you have not interacted with before is a big challenge and it's better to know how to do it gracefully.
*Story of my courtship*
Financial Management & Investment
High cost of living can mean a zero or negative bank balance when you are mismanaging and that cannot happen especially when you are responsible for someone else.
4. Activity & Discussion- Individual timeline- "What do I envision my life to be in the next ten years (10min)? How do I achieve them? " + 3 sharings (15mins)
5. Conclusion- while you may think some areas are uncertain in life, you must be ready to face them with a plan to help you work it out better.
Maghrib Break (7.10-7.30)
Part II
1. Homeschooling Scene in Singapore (5min)
Members- Singapore Homeschoolers- 800
Muslim Homeschoolers- 40
Methods- Boxed Curriculum, Montessori, Waldorf, Local Syllabus, British/American qualifications, Unschooling.
Background- Diverse group of locals and foreigners. Mostly Christians, some Muslims and people of other beliefs.
Activities- regular co-ops, study groups, labs, special events, showcases, homeschool fair, performances, visits etc
2. How we homeschool/ A Singapore HS family showcase.(5min)
3. Group Work(10min) & discussion (10min) The multi-skilled Homeschool Mum- Identify the skills you need to run a homeschool with a child at primary and preschool levels and managing the household.
4. Questions & Closing (10min)
Being a mum and caring for your family is a noble and challenging job that makes full use of the talents and knowledge that you have.
Don't live with an image that a woman must be in a career that shows her economic worth to be somebody.
Know that being in touch with your femininity and maternal instincts, whether you stay home or work outside, is who you are because Allah made you a woman.