Teenage angst
I am really glad that I'm over the hill, especially when I see my brother trying to find his identity and fitting in.He's 18...he's gonna have to fight his own demons and find the true path,Insyaallah....
I remember how chubby and cute he was as a baby, the 3 of us,me and my sisters, enjoyed playing with him so much we sometimes disturbed him when he was sleeping, much to my mum's unhappiness.
Now, we barely have a proper conversation.
More like, Q & A sentences.
This makes me realise how much more important it is to bond with my children now and instil in them Islamic values when they are still malleable. How do you talk about right and wrong to a hot-blooded teenager who has no threshold of values of his own?
I think it is even more challenging to be a teenager now than during my time. At worst, I was just being naughty, now kids do things that could harm themselves and destroy their future. Faith and tradition has no place in their lives at times.
One thing I can never forget is that whenever I'm tempted to do something wrong, I see my parents' faces, especially my dad's as I was his little girl.
Being disciplinary and strict might work for some but personally I think children learn more from being loved and being told they are loved constantly. You can't hold them by the hand forever but when the time comes for them to stand on their own feet, you can put your faith in Allah cause you have taught them the right values and that they will always have the memories of your love.