Holiday Swing
The kids had a weekday treat this week when on Monday we took them to watch the match between Singapore and Uzbekistan. We got there late, halfway through the first half, but the kids were so excited because just when we were searching for seats Uzbekistan acceded a penalty and Singapore scored a goal. We lost 7-3, but I know it didn't matter to the kids cause what was important was the game.
I wished some adults in the stadium showed at least some degree of sportsmanship; its shameful, how they behaved shouting a particular vulgarity when the Singapore team did not play well.
Other than that, things have been moving at a slower or normal pace at home. The kids have already watched TV twice this week, they are part of school though; The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Schlessinger's Fractions and Paddington's ABC. I'm fussy aren't I?
In this stagnant and spiritually tired mood, God gave me inspiration when Sofiyya, out of the blue, put together extensions to the red and number rods all by herself. Though not perfect, the main idea was there and I presented this pattern to her brothers at least two months ago, unless... she figured it out from the samples album beside her, am I getting ideas or what?