Homeschooling in Singapore

Time passes so quickly, it's been two years since I started my journey. I feel it's only right that I share some of my experiences. I guess the first step would be how I got my passport to homeschooling.

As primary school education is compulsory in Singapore, you'd need to get approval to homeschool your child once he reaches the school going age if you are a Singaporean. Application is done in the year you are supposed to apply for Primary 1.

Contact the Ministry of Education for the application forms to be sent to you via e-mail. I am sure they'd post you a hard copy if you so desire. The application basically requests for information on your curriculum for the whole six years and some personal background on qualifications.

I received my reply about three weeks later. In the meantime, while waiting make lots of dua and Insyaallah everything will be fine.

Try to avoid the primary one registration period around September/October; it's better to send before that.


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