Monday Blues
To fight my Monday feet from dragging me down with them; I did my chores where possible and started school as soon as I could and stuck to my plan (ok, sort of) and routine. This is cool; I'm gonna do this every time I feel brain-dead.
We started off with Quran and memorisation of the surahs; something I have been trying to discipline myself with instead of doing it after zuhr and while the boys were doing their Arabic writing I showered my princess who has just woken up ( she woke up at 5 after sleeping at 6 the day before).
After outdoors, I read ' On Earth' by G. Brian Karas which touches on why there is night and day, the seasons and the different weather during the various seasons. I then asked the children to draw how they see themselves in relation to the earth. Ihsan drew himself on the globe while Umayr drew vehicles on land and aeroplanes in the air. Go figure...I can't understand Umayr myself, how he sees abstract concepts and struggles with reading, how he forms opinions on human behaviour but refuses to learn his math.
The boys later did extensions with the red rods and knobless cylinders while Sofiyya worked with the geometric solids. We then did written work: Ihsan did a quiz on the Sun and word problems. Sofiyya and Umayr practiced cutting and Umayr later did matching of word to picture while Sofiyya circled words that start with 'b'.
After tafsir of Al Humazah for Umayr and Al-Bayyinah for Ihsan, I managed to get a decent quiet time till 4p.m and read a few chapters. After dinner, we went to Keat Hong Park where the boys played ball and Sofiyya played in the playground. I actually managed to read some more...