Schooling round the bed

Sofiyya working on her small number rods.

Trying to re-enact the rope stretchers of ancient Egypt

The Boys making coffins for their mummies while my daughter is more interested in just hamming it up for the cameras.

I have been stricken with infections;the flu bug, indigestion and food poisoning for the past week and have only been up to strength today. As I was worried that the children will miss out on school; we continued. I was lucky that my mum only moved out to her new place last Sunday, or the house will not look very much like one.

When I couldn't get up, the children will just sit around me as I teach them. As this is inconvenient when I do presentations, I try to push myself till its time for them to do written work. Alhamdulillah, they didn't miss much school, maybe just one or two days and I have to say I'm thankful for the purification that comes with every illness.

Planning however became incidental and I am now catching up with my main lesson plans which have much jumbled up with the weekly ones. I now go on a format of one personal presentation, one group work and personal independent work which is basically their review each day. With outdoors and written work; a good four hours pass by quickly.Of course, there are days when nothing seems to be getting done.

I was down in the earlier part of the morning today; so we only managed to do our language arts; the key lesson for exclamations for Ihsan, the long 'e' digraph for Umayr and the consonant 'k' for Sofiyya. Thereafter, the children did their written work.

I hope to restart my regular homeschooling in the coming days...insyaAllah...


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