Coming Back from the lull

I have not been posting lately because I have been too caught up with my other interest. Am now crawling back to blogging about my homeschool...

Yesterday started at a crawl as I caught up with the hours of housework lost after the long weekends. Things only started at 10, when I finally managed to get most of the housework done and read the abridged 'Much Ado About Nothing' to Umayr and 'Clifford; The Big Red Dog' to Sofiyya.

Henceforth, it was off to the usual outdoors. While the boys played with the skate scooter and soccer, Sofiyya insisted on playing with her fairy stickers which Umayr just found after being lost for a long time.

Back home, we started on written work straight away as we were short of time and I confess the unexpected trip during the weekends threw my plans to plan down the drain. Ihsan reviewed his Ancient Africa for history and did work on the Sahara Desert that I got from We looked at the map labelling he did on a prior session on the different countries in Africa to find out how far the Sahara stretched too.

Umayr struggled with is dynamic subtraction but eventually got the hang of it without using the golden beads. Basically, I would have preferred he worked with them still but he seem to think them a hassle.

For Sofiyya, we worked with the plastic insets and since she was into the fairy stickers, I asked her to decorate the shapes she drew with them. We also did sight words; 'are','the' and 'you'.

After Zuhr, I managed to do some memorisation revision with the boys, they plain forgotten most of the surahs as I have left the Quran part to DH for the past few months. However, as his time is limited, he does it before going to work, they don't have time to revise their old surahs...guess I have to do that again.

For Arabic, we did the activities for items around the house together and have moved on to names of clothings. I then read 'Stories from the Quran' which talked about Habil and Qabil- apt for my two sons who are constantly bickering...: )

In the evening, the children got interested in colouring. To stop Umayr from fighting with his sister to colour Aurora from the Princess magazine, I printed out colouring pages for all of them and they worked on them till it was time for bed,which took a while to get to as they were so into tracing the pictures after colouring them.


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