Our Second Princess

A slight diversion from homeschooling- Our second princess arrived exactly on her due date determined to be different from the start. I started having contractions from Tuesday night but tried to manage it because it would usually stop 12 hours later for the past week. I even had to go back home from the labour ward on Tuesday as they stopped when I arrived. That night though they grew more frequent and intense but I still thought it could be another 'practice' and would wait till daybreak.

The baby had other ideas of course. I very quickly progressed to the final stage of labour from half- past three that hubby had to call the ambulance. I thought I was going to give birth at home : ) ten minutes to NUH, my baby was born on the PIE near Clementi Ave 6. Apparently, my water bag had not burst as I thought and the Medic, Sgt Luo, had to do it in the ambulance.

We arrived at the hospital with the baby wrapped in a foil-like wrap to keep her warm.

It was a lesson in how Allah will decide what's the best for us no matter how hard we planned. How the ambulance came on time, how the only female medic Sgt Luo was part of the team who came, how it didn't rain heavily as it did the same time the next day. I can only say Alhamdulillah for His blessings.

I also contemplate on the cycle of life in how in one week I have gone from looking at my late aunt in the D.O.A (dead on arrival) room at SGH's A&E to my child being labelled as B.B.A.( born before arrival). It might sound cryptic but it makes me see how fragile life really is and how only Allah is the One deciding for you. Wallahua'lam.


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