Ramadan Day 1

It's a Saturday, and we don't usually have lessons but today is the first of Ramadan so it calls for more action : )

I started by reading Ramadan Moon by Naima Robert and I introduced the moon phases casually as I read the story and we drew them on our blackboard paper bunting. 

I decided to place the bunting in a circle to show that it is a cycle. 

Here's our work: 

Sarah wanted to do something more, so, inspired by the book, we made the moons at different stages with scrapbooking paper. Pardon the mermaid, Aisyah's quite taken by it. 

We finally got a Ramadan calendar this year, thanks to sis Hasanah of Farasya. I have filled it with Ramadan cards from Norisa Design at Etsy. In additon, I found some craft scraps today and made Ramadan challenge and quiz cards. The challenge cards have different challenges for my 6 and 12 year olds. 

I am planning to ask the girls to journal their thoughts on this month at least once a week. Before that I thought I'd make some writing prompts to help them along. 

I figured I need to keep track of their challenges too so we'd need a notebook to record them.

Ramadan Mubarak and may this be a blessed month for us all. 


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