Al-Khair Kids Alive First Outing to Pasir Ris Park

Today my sons went on their first field trip to Pasir Ris Park for their lesson on, I think, appreciating Allah's creation. After their snack, they were given worksheets on which they had to write their thoughts on the creations of Allah that they will see on their walk.

Thereafter, the children went on their walk and wrote down what they saw at the end. They then took wudu' with the sea water and proceeded to solat dhuha in a jemaah before leaving. The teachers did a great job, who would go through all that trouble for, in my opinion, a few moments of learning? Then again what's important is that they learn, right?

This trip has given me an idea for an extension to The Story of Creation. This is how ours will go:

  1. Everybody sit down in a circle. At the mention of basmalah, they will close their eyes. The educator will slowly whisper to them to listen to the sounds of nature around them. After a few moments, she will gently whisper each child's name. The child will then proceed to stand up as quietly as possible and take her position by the mat. What to be done after closing their eyes should be briefly explained before starting the silence game.

  1. After all the children have taken their positions, they will take a leisurely walk along the park.

  1. When they return, materials for making individual collages are already waiting for them. Invite the child to potray what they have seen in their walk onto their collages. ( there are three ways you can do this; 1. with cut up pictures of nature 2. with basic shapes in nature 3. just give the darn materials and let them decide what in heaven they're gonna do with them)

  1. Each child will then present his collage.

  2. Remind the children about the story of creation. Focus on how there was nothing at first, then chaos then order. Allude this to their collages and the nature around them. First there were just materials but they put them together to make their collages- if they had not made them, the collages before them would not exist. So it is for the earth, it didn't just happen, it was created, created by Allah.....

How romantic.....

The precursor to this lesson is the first great lesson. If you're not doing Montessori, a brief lesson on the creation of the universe will do. As a follow up, the older children can make a photo study of an element of nature-don't laugh... e.g. The leaf, birds, the sky etc....let the kids out into nature, take photos of it then reproduce them in story, poems, limericks, jokes.... whatever brings pen to paper.....for younger kids, let them do a nature project: a leaf print, cooking lesson, tasting lesson....

I am gonna do a bit of diversion from the suggested lesson in case I'm too occupied. ( ok that's another word for lazy). As it is since they have just been to Pasir Ris Park, right?

Instead of going to a park, we're gonna sit at home for the silence game and listen to a recording of the sounds of nature. We're going to the area with lots of plants near the playground and just take a walk. There are usually butterflies, snails and birds too. When we come home we do the collage.....Ha!


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