To educate one must entice....

It has been an interesting day, it is true how the kids reflect the mood you're in. I was trying to relax today from trying too hard to cover albums and they were more relaxed too. Umayr turned art into a cooking lesson of sorts as he poured paint over the alphabet sponges before proceeding to mix them up like salad and then using bold strokes with them to paint as the sounds of nature plays in the background.

His siblings were more conventional....Thank God, maybe I won't be able to take it if all of them are mavericks, although in different aspects they are.

I tried the concept that making something dramatic and totally interesting would pull the child to work. When I noticed Umayr was nearby, I started poring over a book like it was Vogue or something. First, he sat beside me and tried to peek. Then, he took it away and started working on it!LOL

My eldest is still the strangest by conventional thoughts standard, today he asked whether we can review the work that he has done so far in his portfolio. There was one work on common characteristics of flags that he didn't complete and I started to get excited and asking him to collect the chart and all. He fell right into it....

Don't tell my hubby, the principal, but as Ihsan was working on that and then searching for names of cities from a to z, Ummi fell asleep. In between I thought I heard him asking if I know any cities starting from Q, E and Z. I sort of mumbled Queensland which of course is not....

As I continued my nap, he showed me a drawing of the match between Singapore and Lebanon that was played last night, complete with tracks of ball and player movements. Okay, good....was all I could mumble.

Some 2 hours later, out of jest and wide awake, I invited him to do his Math workbook. Okay, I'm not a purist, I do use workbooks. He was not only happy to, he chose fractions which we have not done hands-on Montessori work on. Oh , well, I thought, no harm as long as I don't push him.

By the time he started writing his version of three little pigs for writing however he was strained, he only completed half a sentence. I'm too much aren't I? But no, I was wrong, through the taxi trip and dinner and shopping, he had a million and one questions in store. I had a break when his dad came. I wish I had half the energy and enthusiasm.


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