One of the essential features of a montessori educator is her record keeping. I can't say I've been diligently doing that. This blog is my most successful effort so far. I've always been missing my notebooks. Plus, there are always other things that I use them for that they've become a colossal mess.

Not recording has the effect of you being unsure of whether you're in the right path. It is a critical exercise that Montessori alludes it to the record keeping of scientists, in fact she puts in a much higher place for a Montessori educator studies life itself.

Ok, I've been in a very insecure mood, cause I'm not sure of the direction I'm going. However, as always the children show me the way....

It is very bad when I'm insecure, cause I'll fall back to textbooks and worksheets and, I have to say it, being a TEACHER-spoonfeeding information into life that should be the pursuer of knowledge by nature.

This of course happens every few months, I see a pattern developing- every quarter? Maybe that's because it coincides with my stamina going down the cliff: )

The day started pretty well, after being locked up the whole day at home yesterday, I let the children loose into the playground. They had a good game of soccer and Sofiyya picked flowers. When we went back, we did blow painting-the kids really enjoyed that.

Umayr and Sofiyya then did their work while I presented the 7 Rules of Commas to Ihsan. It's funny, Umayr loves the brown stairs so much, he never fails to work on it every week. After doing my presentation, Ihsan refused to do anything else but read his old Sesame Street Dictionary after seeing his sister play with it during my presentation.

He read it, resting just for snacks and toilet, from 11 to 3. He even told me he was going to read till the letter 'z'. He managed just to get to 't'. After a chaotic afternoon, the kids settled down to written work at 6.

There has been no request for tv so far this week even though they missed it on Sunday. Mummy's keeping quiet.....


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