Egg Sandwiches and Milkshakes

I always find Mondays the most difficult after the mid-week; so I tend to not rush Mondays. Actually, not rushing is something I have struggled with, being a typical Singaporean. I find myself rushing even when I don't have too and its only been recently that I have been able to hold myself back and question what I am rushing for.

Today, we looked at anger management and read "Anh's Anger" by Gail Silver. Thereafter we talked about occasions when we get angry and tried to identify some of the symptoms like my son said that feeling of wanting to just shout out and punch someone, I somehow sensed a sinister joy from all this. We did a breathing exercise which Sofiyya enjoyed and took a walk along Brickland Road after that.

The boys took the opportunity to try out the skate scooter they just inherited from my brother. I just find it amazing my brother has so many things in good shape, he's 22, when my kids just break their stuff in days or weeks if I'm lucky. The scooter must be at least ten years old.

When we got back, the children helped me prepare lunch. I taught the kids how to cut bananas for our milkshake. The children also helped peel the eggs I already boiled and cut cucumber for our egg mayo sandwich. Later, I let them to pour the bananas, milk and ice and put together the sandwich.

In between and after lunch, I did my presentation on days of the week for Sofiyya and half-past clockwork for Umayr. For Ihsan I did 'The Three Fundamental Tenses' and after finishing all that we did our written work. The kids are now playing, quietly(!), so mum can write this.


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