Day 1

This is, insyaallah, what we plan to do today.May Allah bless all the sisters whose works I refer to below and will use in future. They have been a great support and inspiration. Ramadan Mubarak!


1. Ramadan

a. The blessed month of Ramadan
The Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said : "When it is the first night of Ramadahn the evil devils are chained. The gates of Fire are locked- not a single gate is opnened, and the gates of Paradise are opened- not a single gate is locked, and a caller calls out :'O seeker of good come forward, and O seeker of evil withhold, and there are many whom Allah frees from the Fire - and that is every night. [at-Tirmithi, Ibn Majah, and Ibn Khuzaimah : Hasan]

Abu Sa`eed al-Khudri relates that the Messenger of Allah salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said : "Fasting is a shield with which a servant protects himself from the Fire" [Ahmad, Sahih]

Aim: Working towards Jannah through Fasting

Revise the meanings of Al-Fatihah.
Discuss what the Day of Judgement is.
What do the children think Jannah/Jahannam is like?
Ask the children where they want to go and what do they need to do to get there?
Read the two hadith above.
Talk about how their father/mother have to work to get money to pay for their needs.
Talk about how some things are more expensive than others and how we have to work harder to get them.
What could be the best give we can get from Allah and how do we get it ? (Talk about it being Jannah)



Recite the longer hadith to the child who will reord it in his Ramadan Journal (link given below). This journal will be with him throughout the month and remind him to work on it daily.
He will memorise this for the first week


Make a Ramadan Lapbook cover as seen in

Write the shorter hadith in his Ramadan Journal. Child will copy it.
He will memorise this hadith for the first two weeks.


Ask child to draw a good act.
Ask her to explain how it is good and how it pleases Allah.

Ramadan Journal:

Make a Ramadan Banner
• Cut out the letters for Ramadan Mubarak (In Arabic/English)
• A5 size cards with the same letters written in pencil
• Hole puncher
• String
• Scotchtape
• A large card with Ramadan Mubarak written on it.
• Ask children to match letters to cards and paste them onto the cards.
• Using the card with the words Ramadan Mubarak on it as a reference ask children to arrange their own cards to form the two words.
• Allow children to punch two holes on top of the card.
• Children work together to string the cards in order.
• Hang in up in your school room!

Make a dessert with your child to reward them for their first day of fasting. I have bought some Betty Crocker's chocolate chip mix, three boxes of Dadih and bread mix. Insyaallah, this will be a motivation to move on to totally making the full score in future.

The children can also be part of the cooking for iftar. I also like to include them in preparing the table and cleaning up after a meal.


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